In common with LGV training and testing, NRI examinations in 2020 have been affected by national and local restrictions relating to COVID-19. Despite this there has been a steady demand for all three NRI examinations, LGV Instructor, LGV Assessor and Driver CPC Instructor.
Through our website and social media pages we have provided relevant, up to the minute information to LGV instructors, assessors and Driver CPC instructors from DVSA and national governments as LGV driver training and testing has been restricted or prohibited. We’ll continue to do this during 2021.
There are currently 506 NRI-Registered LGV Instructors. A total of 434 LGV Instructor examinations have been taken since NRI was launched in January 2017.
We introduced the LGV Assessor examination in 2019 and 43 assessors have passed the exam and joined the register.
May 2020 saw the launch of the Driver CPC Instructor examination and despite the impact of COVID, 15 candidates have passed the exam and joined the register.
To support the growth in NRI examinations, expansion of the UK network of NRI examination centres continues, with 23 in place and others currently in the approval process. The majority of these examination centres provide training courses to prepare NRI examination candidates.
The NRI is responsible for issuing Alternatively-Fuelled Vehicle Training Certificates on behalf of the Department for Transport and we’ve issued 1,179 certificates since the end of August 2019. This training can only be delivered by NRI registered LGV Instructors. To support this, NRI has created training materials for Alternatively Fuelled Vehicle Training, these are compliant with the published syllabus and include an Instructor PowerPoint. These are available to any NRI Registered Instructor for £35 +VAT.
Interested in finding out more? Get in touch with our team.